Factors for patentees to consider when deciding where to file patents internationally:

  • Where the patentee and/or potential infringers have a presence (patentee has best knowledge)
  • Patentee’s business strategy regarding patents (patentee has best knowledge)
  • Standards of patentability in the jurisdiction for invention subject matter (help needed from IP or other expert)
  • Restrictions on patent rights within the jurisdiction for invention subject matter (help needed from IP or other expert)
  • Degree of enforceability in the jurisdiction (help needed from IP or other expert)
  • Process, cost, and timeline to apply for and obtain a patent in a particular jurisdiction (help needed from IP or other expert)

The relative importance of the above factors will depend on patentee’s business plan and goals.

Source: http://bit.ly/2bTTEy3

Where Best to File Patents Internationally
Article Name
Where Best to File Patents Internationally
Factors for patentees to consider when deciding where to file patents internationally
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Dawn Ellmore Employment
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