In a case concerning a co-promotion agreement and the winding down of use of third party content before that agreement terminates, a US court recently ruled against Jammin Java (a California-based coffee company founded by one of Bob Marley’s sons)… Continue Reading →
The Chinese networking and telecommunications equipment company Huawei technologies (ranked second in a list of the top 10 PCT patent applicants for 2016) was recently subject to the UK’s first ever patent infringement fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) injunction. A… Continue Reading →
There are over 55 million active worldwide trade marks with 6 million trade mark applications filed in 2015. The volume of trade marks applications continues to rise with an average annual growth rate of 7% over the last two years. … Continue Reading →
The revolutionary genome-editing technology CRISPR case started in January 2016, when the US patent office granted the University California’s an “interference” proceeding to investigate whether the CRISPR-Cas9 patent application the University California filed, but not issued, in May 2012 claimed… Continue Reading →
The global online payments company PayPal (launched in 1999) has made a trade mark infringement complaint in the Indian Trademark office against Indian e-commerce website Paytm (launched in 2010) because of the similar colours used in its logo. Paypal’s complaint states that… Continue Reading →
Michael Jordan asked Chinese authorities in 2012 to revoke Qiaodan Sports Co’s trade marks, which featured a similar name and logo to Jordan’s Nike-produced brand and he claimed mislead consumers about its ties to him. In a recent ruling by… Continue Reading →
Instagram has launched a trade mark dispute against Microsoft over the use of the suffix ‘gram’ in the trade mark ‘Actiongram’ which Microsoft had registered. In the dispute Instagram opposes ‘Actiongram’ on two counts: 1) The goods and services related… Continue Reading →
Qualcomm Incorporated is a world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. The company has a really strong patent portfolio and currents ranks no. 1 for this technology in China. Qualcomm who make mobile phone chips has filed complaints against… Continue Reading →
In 2012 Samsung was found to have infringed three of Apple’s iPhone design patents in the sale of some of their smartphones. These related to the round-cornered front face, the bezel of the iPhone and the coloured grid of 16… Continue Reading →
You can use the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) if you are involved in a dispute about intellectual property covering copyright, patents, registered designs and registered trade marks. The IPEC provides a cost effective arena for intellectual property claims, as… Continue Reading →
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