Maybe their star has waned. Perhaps one member thinks they can fair better if they go it alone. Or maybe it’s just down to the old favourite “creative differences”. Whatever the reason, bands break up all the time. And following… Continue Reading →
In the world of modern commerce, the situation frequently occurs that two enterprises find themselves using an identical or similar trade mark to market their own products or services, without each company’s actions necessarily interfering with the business of the… Continue Reading →
With the recent splash of publicity regarding supermarket copycat branding, brought about after Aldi incurred the wrath of Marks & Spencer’s legal team after releasing their “Cuthbert the Caterpillar” cake, in this blog article Dawn Ellmore Employment looks back over… Continue Reading →
Has Ed Sheeran come unstuck with a new copyright claim over a song he co-wrote with country music legends Faith Hill and Tim McGraw? Two Australian songwriters are hoping so, as they are suing the three artists over claims that… Continue Reading →
As an artist, David Bowie fully understood the power of his image. Throughout his career, he developed and transformed, not just musically, but also visually, before our eyes – and from his period as Ziggy Stardust through to the Thin… Continue Reading →
Intellectual property and patent law is important to artists in particular. In a world where it can be difficult to ensure art gets the recognition it deserves, IP law is integral to rewarding creativity and protecting the rights of the… Continue Reading →
A fundamental understanding of copyright law is the understanding of works that are “fixed in any tangible meaning of expression.” It’s at the core of the legal rights behind any original work, and without a tangible medium then copyright doesn’t… Continue Reading →
Dawn Ellmore has noted some interesting cases this week… Tiffany & Co v Costco Wholesale Corp – trade mark infringement Tiffany & Co has been granted the right to recover $11.1 million in lost profit (plus interest) and $8.25 million… Continue Reading →
The UK Government recently announced in the latest Spring budget that £270 million was to be allocated to launch an Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. The fund is expected to support R&D in universities and businesses resulting in innovation in the… Continue Reading →
Amazon created a plan to protect its drones from attack from various sources, physical (natural such as lightening and manmade such as bows and arrows) and electronic (computer hacking) which is has now patented. The patent was filled in 2014… Continue Reading →
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