

Dawn Ellmore Employment: Can patents predict the future?

Anyone born in the 1970s might be disappointed that 2017 hasn’t come up with the goods promised in Tomorrow’s World. The BBC TV programme that focused on future innovations seemed confident that the world of the future would be punctuated… Continue Reading →

Dawn Ellmore Employment: Who’s leading mobile payment innovation?

In the UK, 46.4 million people own a smartphone. Statistics predict that by 2022, the number of monthly active users of smartphones in the UK will reach 53.96 million. With numbers like these, it’s not difficult to see why there… Continue Reading →

First Design Appeal Decision from the UK IPO

The Intellectual Property Act 2014 introduced a new appeal regime for designs.  The system of appeals to an Appointed Person acts as an alternative to the route of appealing to the High Court. This case was significant because it was the first… Continue Reading →

Brexit Negotiations will Begin on 19 June 2017

Michel Barnier who is leading the Brexit negotiations for the EU has confirmed that negotiations are due to begin on 19 June 2017 following the UK Parliament’s reconvention post the General Election.  Mr Barnier hopes to submit his first report… Continue Reading →

UK High Court Issues Ground-Breaking Judgment on Technology Patent Rights

The parties involved in this technology patent right dispute heard at the UK High Court were US based Unwired Planet (purchased patents developed by others) and China-based Huawei Technologies Co. (manufactures phones & communications equipment). The judge rejected both parties’… Continue Reading →

New Method for Valuing Patents Proposed by US University Professors in Published Article

The ability to accurately determine patent value has always been expensive and time consuming to ascertain requiring input from patent attorneys and economists.  An exciting new research article published by two US university professors (Andrew Torrance, the Earl B. Schurtz… Continue Reading →

Trade Mark Application Spike Predicted by UKIPO

A trade mark can be anything that defines a brand e.g. words, sounds, logos, colours or a combination.  Registering a trade mark helps to protect intellectual property from unauthorised use. The UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) recently published findings on… Continue Reading →

£270m Technology Commitment from UK Government in Spring Budget

The UK Government recently announced in the latest Spring budget that £270 million was to be allocated to launch an Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.  The fund is expected to support R&D in universities and businesses resulting in innovation in the… Continue Reading →

Is Brexit Responsible for the UK Decrease in EU Trade Mark & Design Applications?

Filings of EU Trade Mark and EU Design applications by UK applicants have recently fallen for the first time since the economic crisis of 2008-2009. The number of EU Trade Mark applications filed by UK applicants in 2016 fell 7%… Continue Reading →

The New UK IP Minister has been announced as Jo Johnson

It was recently announced that Jo Johnson (brother of Boris Johnson) will take on the job of IP Minister for the UK government. Jo Johnson is a member of parliament (MP) and the current innovation minister. Jo Johnson’s full biography… Continue Reading →

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