Tag data

Going digital: Dawn Ellmore Looks at the Changing Face of IP Data Management

As we move further into a digitally managed existence, the resources needed to manage IP assets and patents are changing. The speed of digitisation of data and the supporting infrastructure brings fresh challenges to the industry. Competing data management systems… Continue Reading →

Could Trade Marks be Better than Patents as Future Innovation Predictors?

A new study (entitled “Innovation Worth Buying: The Fair-Value of Innovation Benchmarks and Proxies”) by two assistant Professors of Accountancy at the George Washington University, James Potepa and Kyle T. Welch has benchmarked the most common measures of outputs and outcomes of… Continue Reading →

Research with Chief Executives show Trade Mark Management Budgets Remain Broadly Steady

The intellectual property management company Lecorpio recently carried out its second annual “Trade Mark Management Study” where it asked corporate company chief executives about changes to their trade mark budgets (including both money and staff) and trade mark portfolio size… Continue Reading →

WIPO Announced Record Number of International Patent Applications

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recently announced a record number of international patent applications filed in 2016 at 233,000 patent applications filed, this represented a 7% increase from 2015.  The technology sectors responsible for the most worldwide patent applications… Continue Reading →

Patent Lawsuits Increase by a Third in China

The total number of patents issued in 2016 in China increased 24% to over 1.2 million.  Patent lawsuits in China were recently reported to have increased by 37% to 28,916 in 2016 when compared with 2015 figures.  Patent lawsuits related… Continue Reading →

Trade Mark Application Spike Predicted by UKIPO

A trade mark can be anything that defines a brand e.g. words, sounds, logos, colours or a combination.  Registering a trade mark helps to protect intellectual property from unauthorised use. The UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) recently published findings on… Continue Reading →

EUIPO Study Reveals Scale of Economic Impact of IPR Infringements

A recent joint study by the European Patent Office (EUIPO) and the European Observatory on infringements of Intellectual Property Rights found 42% of total economic activity and 28% of EU employment is generated by IPR-intensive industries.  The study estimated the… Continue Reading →

Global Patent Applications Reached 2.9 Million in 2015

There were more than 2.9 million patent applications worldwide in 2015, up 7.8% from 2014. China’s patent office received 1,101,864 filings in 2015 which represented almost as many applications as the U.S. (589,410), Japan (318,721) and the Republic of Korea… Continue Reading →

Mastercard’s Patent Application to Share Passengers’ Height and Weight with Airlines to Assist with Plane Seat Allocation

MasterCard’s latest recently published patent allows the company to estimate with some accuracy the height and weight of its customers (by analysing the size of their shoe (from which height can be determine) and clothes purchases).  MasterCard can then pass… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Patent Application to Make Cortana More Humanlike

A patent filed in April 2016 reveals Microsoft’s attempt to make Cortana (the intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft) more human-like in the responses given to Windows users. This patent alludes to Cortana’s personalised greeting system being personalised to the user… Continue Reading →

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