Disney and Pixar Animation were recently awarded damages by a Shanghai court after ruling that a Chinese-made film called “The Autobots” infringed copyright of Disney’s film “Cars”. The infringing film, released in July 2015, had grossed the equivalent of $863,000.
Chinese producer Bluemtv and distributor G-Point were fined the equivalent of $190,000. The court ruled the Chinese producers illegally used Disney’s characters and posters and the film title “Autobots” sounded similar to “Cars”.
Source: bit.ly/2hU9o5W
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Disney Awarded Damages by Chinese Court Following Copyright Win for Film “Cars”
Disney and Pixar Animation were recently awarded damages by a Shanghai court after ruling that a Chinese-made film called “The Autobots” infringed copyright of Disney’s film “Cars”. The infringing film, released in July 2015, had grossed the equivalent of $863,000.
Dawn Ellmore
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