It is a legal requirement that each inventor is named on a patent application. Although patent counts do not give a direct measure of innovation, they are a well known measurable ‘output’ of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)… Continue Reading →
In 2015 the growth in innovation was 13.7%. Global innovation activity increased across 11 of the 12 sectors throughout 2015, with the largest leaders being Medical Devices, Home Appliances and Aerospace & Defense. Aerospace & Defense – Increases in sub-sectors: Space… Continue Reading →
American multinational retail corporation Walmart filed a patent application in March 2016 for a system which allows shopping trolleys to drive themselves and assist customers with their shopping in store. The patent was published by the US Patent and Trademark… Continue Reading →
Honda has recently patented a system enabling drivers to see pedestrians out of their field of vision using sensors and augmented reality. According to the patent, sensors around the car would detect pedestrians within a predetermined distance and show their… Continue Reading →
Baroness Neville-Rolfe, UK Minister of State for Energy and Intellectual Property conducted an IP delegation between 20-27 August 2016 in China to reinforce UK and China IP collaboration to support innovation and creativity in both countries. Agreements and initiatives observed… Continue Reading →
Cambodia joined the Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) on 8 September 2016 taking the number of contracting states to 151. The PCT will enter into force in Cambodia on 8 December 2016. This development will help the Camdoia’s inventors seek patent… Continue Reading →
Applicants trying to protect an invention in more than one country file a national or regional patent application with their national or regional patent office. Within 12 months of the filing date of the application, they file an international application… Continue Reading →
In 2009 Google announced it was developing driverless cars which would be available to the public in 2020. The driverless technology industry is expected to be worth £900 billion globally by 2025. Google has now patented sensor technology to enable… Continue Reading →
Factors for patentees to consider when deciding where to file patents internationally: Where the patentee and/or potential infringers have a presence (patentee has best knowledge) Patentee’s business strategy regarding patents (patentee has best knowledge) Standards of patentability in the jurisdiction… Continue Reading →
A recent position paper entitled ‘The impact of Brexit on intellectual property’ by The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) reveals the institute has a strong preference for the UK to participate in the Unitary Patent (UP) and Unified Patent… Continue Reading →
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