The Chinese networking and telecommunications equipment company Huawei technologies (ranked second in a list of the top 10 PCT patent applicants for 2016) was recently subject to the UK’s first ever patent infringement fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) injunction. A… Continue Reading →
Amazon has reportedly developed and patented technology that prevents customers using its bricks and mortar stores for comparison shopping via their smartphones. The technology is referred to as “Physical Store Online Shopping Control” on the patent application. According to the… Continue Reading →
It was recently reported that UK and European Businesses have written to the Rt Hon Greg Clark, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy requesting that he move forward with progressing the ratification process of the Unified Patent… Continue Reading →
PetLife Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a US Veterinary Pharmaceutical company) has developed a high potency veterinary cancer medication for pets called VitalZul™ for which they have filed for patent protection in the United States and India. The patent application is entitled “A… Continue Reading →
Apple Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Apple Inc. that lets users make payments using an iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad or Mac. Apple Pay was launched by Apple in September 2014 in partnership with Visa, MasterCard… Continue Reading →
Michel Barnier who is leading the Brexit negotiations for the EU has confirmed that negotiations are due to begin on 19 June 2017 following the UK Parliament’s reconvention post the General Election. Mr Barnier hopes to submit his first report… Continue Reading →
The ability to accurately determine patent value has always been expensive and time consuming to ascertain requiring input from patent attorneys and economists. An exciting new research article published by two US university professors (Andrew Torrance, the Earl B. Schurtz… Continue Reading →
It is now generally accepted that intellectual property (IP) is valuable and important to the UK’s economic well-being with IP essential for innovation and growth. The UK government aims to make the UK the best place to innovate, patent new… Continue Reading →
Microsoft already has security through Windows 10 that allows users to log into devices with their face or their fingerprint. Microsoft now seems to be taking things further with its recently patented iris recognition technology that could potentially be implemented… Continue Reading →
IBM inventors were recently granted patent no. US9561852 for a system for transferring packages between drones during flight. The purpose of this patented invention is to extend the range of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) that are delivering packages from a… Continue Reading →
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