Tag patent application

Microsoft Patent Application to Make Cortana More Humanlike

A patent filed in April 2016 reveals Microsoft’s attempt to make Cortana (the intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft) more human-like in the responses given to Windows users. This patent alludes to Cortana’s personalised greeting system being personalised to the user… Continue Reading →

Obtaining Cost Effective Patent Protection in Europe

Once a European patent application has been granted patentees must choose to validate the granted application in one or more European countries. Once grant fees have been paid to the European Patent Office (EPO) a European patent will be awarded…. Continue Reading →

Update to EPO Guidelines for Claiming Software Inventions

The November 2016 edition of the European Patent Office’s Guidelines for Examination recently came into effect.  This new edition contains a section clarifying how the EPO will examine claims on computer-implemented inventions. This updated guidance provides consistent interpretation of computer… Continue Reading →

Steps to Apply for a European Patent

For an invention to be patentable, it must be new, industrially applicable and involve an inventive step.  Here are the 11 steps outlined by the European Patent Office to obtaining a European patent:  1) Before applying for a European patent… Continue Reading →

Where Best to File Patents Internationally

Factors for patentees to consider when deciding where to file patents internationally: Where the patentee and/or potential infringers have a presence (patentee has best knowledge) Patentee’s business strategy regarding patents (patentee has best knowledge) Standards of patentability in the jurisdiction… Continue Reading →

US Provisional Patents: What They Are and Why Inventors Need Them

US provisional patents can’t be granted but you can file a provisional patent application which if done correctly can be a very useful tool for inventors. A provisional application for a US patent is: US national application for patent filed… Continue Reading →

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