Tag invention

Scientists Battle Ownership of Patents for Gene-Editing Tool

A gene-editing technology called CRISPR-cas9 allows scientists to make precise edits in DNA that could lead to new medical therapies, research tools and new crop varieties.  This has been called the biggest biotechnology breakthrough in the past 30 or 40 years… Continue Reading →

Dawn Ellmore Employment: British Airways Patents ‘Digital Pill’ to Monitor Your In-Flight Needs

British Airways recently filed a patent on an ingestible sensor that will transmit how you are feeling to the cabin crew. Passengers just need to swallow the digital pill which is about the size of an almond and packaged in… Continue Reading →

Does a Patent Offer the Best Protection for Your Invention?

Before applying for a patent, you should make sure it really is the best option for your invention.  Patents should not be confused with the other kinds of intellectual property rights available: utility models – to protect technical innovations which… Continue Reading →

Recent Survey Confirms Intellectual Property is Good for the European Economy

A second EU-wide study was recently published by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).  The study concerned the impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (i.e. patents, trade marks, designs, copyright) on the European economy… Continue Reading →

Innovation Increases in China

China is now ranked as the world’s 25th most innovative economy after moving up 4 places since 2015.  China is closing the global innovative gap by being the first middle income economy to make the top 25.  Some of the… Continue Reading →

US Provisional Patents: What They Are and Why Inventors Need Them

US provisional patents can’t be granted but you can file a provisional patent application which if done correctly can be a very useful tool for inventors. A provisional application for a US patent is: US national application for patent filed… Continue Reading →

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