Apple has recently been granted a patent for Touch ID related technology. Apple’s Touch ID is already a useful privacy and security feature but this patent could help catch Apple iPhone thieves. The new patent described as ‘Biometric Capture for… Continue Reading →
Patents connected to Apple and reports of upcoming alterations to its smartphones are pointing to a new iPhone that could be waterproof. Apple patents which indicate waterproof phone intentions include: editing software used for underwater technology to ensure that photos… Continue Reading →
Pokemon Go (the digital monster catching game which uses an augmented reality overlay) that launched in July 2016 has become one of the most downloaded games (100 million times in August 2016) and has netted $10 million in daily revenues… Continue Reading →
US provisional patents can’t be granted but you can file a provisional patent application which if done correctly can be a very useful tool for inventors. A provisional application for a US patent is: US national application for patent filed… Continue Reading →
Prominent security research and products company Kaspersky Lab has been awarded a fresh patent on a technology which will reveal malicious malware files trying to hide themselves with different re-packing methods. At this stage, the patented technology only aims at… Continue Reading →
Amazon filed for this patent for auto-muting headphones in July 2014. The device differs from similar products which have manual buttons to quickly mute music and disable noise cancelling because it is an automated system. Amazon’s innovation has a series of… Continue Reading →
Disney filed a patent in April 2015 which describes a method whereby a mix of sensors and cameras take a picture of people’s footwear and then combine that with personal data of customers such as their name, home town and… Continue Reading →
Samsung has filed a patent for wirelessly charging devices which allows for multiple items (smartphones, cameras, smartwatches etc) to be charged simultaneously. The patent application was filed in January 2016 so there is some speculation that this technology could make… Continue Reading →
Limitations on patentability for biologic medicine innovation means data exclusivity and market exclusivity can be the primary protection for originator biologic medicines which is most evident in the USA. National Regulation Authority (RNA) needs to be satisfied that the product… Continue Reading →
A recent American study entitled “The Geography of Unconventional Innovation” by two economists (Enrico Berkes of Northwestern University and Ruben Gaetani of the University of Toronto) looked at the role of population density as a driver of innovation. The study… Continue Reading →
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